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  1. A 5K-Star Community, An Anti-Coronavirus Battle In January 2020, a group of enthusiastic developers founded an open source community named Wuhan2020 on GitHub, which is aimed to collect the information of hospitals, hotels, factories, logistics, donations, precaution, therapies, dynamics, etc.

  2. Lockdowns are associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality in epidemiological modelling studies but not in studies based on empirical data from the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological research supports the proposition that lockdowns may exacerbate stressors such as social isolation and unemployment that have been shown to be strong predictors of falling ill if exposed to a respiratory virus.

  3. COVID-19, along with climate change, could be the equivalent of the Great Depression and WWII in forcing a sea change in economic thinking and policy.. By Samuel Bowles, Wendy Carlin. "The COVID-19 pandemic is a blow to self-interest as a value public ...

  4. Description. "The OxiKit is an open source oxygen concentrator design that allows for more than one person to use the same oxygen tank at the same time. As you may have read, oxygen tanks are in critically short supply in India. The goal of this initiative is to help save lives, and also develop decentralized manufacturing capacity across the ...

  5. This set of practices, initially proposed in the second half of the Eighteenth century, was organised around four main fields of intervention: natality, morbidity, ability , and, most importantly from our standpoint, environment (Foucault 2003). As a consequence of this, biopolitics is deployed through four different types of social control.

  6. Introduction Check out the key concept of Generative Justice: An Introduction to Generative Justice.By Ron Eglash. Revista Teknokultura, Vol. 13(2), 369-404.. How do we evolve towars "relations of open reciprocity, communal sharing, gift-giving and voluntary collaboration allowed value to circulate in its unalienated forms, including labor power, political expression and interspecies ...

  7. Bio Alex Pazaitis is researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology and core member of P2P Lab. He holds a PhD in Technology Governance and is leading parts of the COSMOLOCALISM and CENTRINNO projects Alex has extensive experience from research and innovation projects and project management, and has worked as a consultant for private ...