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  1. 12 小時前 · 輝達(NVIDIA)創辦人黃仁勳主題演講,背後大螢幕呈現 43 家供應鏈夥伴與 17 家大學,其中台灣師範大學因應科技產業跨域需求,攜手輝達(NVIDIA)、技嘉科技(GIGABYTE)合作,打造全台首座元宇宙動態捕捉實驗室,把人工智慧與表演藝術融入內容創作中。 台師大 2023 年開始與輝達合作,...

  2. 4 天前 · The metaverse is a term that refers to a future iteration of the internet that includes persistent, immersive virtual worlds where people can connect with friends, work, play games and shop. You can think of the metaverse as a cyberspace, or an evolved, three-dimensional internet where logging in isn’t necessary.

    • Hal Koss
    • 7 分鐘
    • Senior Associate Editor
  3. 3 天前 · 究竟什麼是Metaverse?. 元宇宙又為何物?. 2024年06月01日 02:51. 導讀. 本文寫作之前,我查閱了很多中英文的資料,也認真閱讀了段海波先生的長文《元宇宙vs數字孿生:技術演化的視角》,深受啟發。. 本文從新興名詞術語或熱詞的分類談起,結合Metaverse的 ...

  4. 4 天前 · 元宇宙概念股值得買嗎?. 優缺點一次看. 最近 3 年來受疫情影響,再搭配 AR / VR 等技術逐漸成熟,隨著 Facebook 一聲令下改名為「Meta」,元宇宙相關議題正式燃燒、元宇宙相關產業也開始迅速發展!. 所謂的元宇宙,指的便是透過 AR / VR 技術讓用戶能身歷其近地 ...

  5. 12 小時前 · The Metaverse is more than just a technological advancement; it is a paradigm shift that is redefining the boundaries of creativity and connectivity. By offering immersive, interactive experiences and fostering global collaboration, the Metaverse is unlocking new possibilities for how we create, connect, and experience the world.

  6. 2 天前 · This study contributes to the theoretical discourse surrounding the metaverse by delineating specific components within BMs that can be tailored to accommodate metaverse integration. Furthermore, our findings offer invaluable guidance and recommendations to firms and ventures, highlighting the diverse areas within the value creation process where metaverse integration can be strategically applied.

  7. 12 小時前 · In 2018, Scandinavian retailer Carlings released a digital clothing collection in partnership with Virtue Worldwide that sold out in a week. By 2022, Gucci, Balmain and Prada had sold digital or phygital fashion as NFTs, and there was a pretty well-attended Metaverse Fashion Week. But that same year, crypto crashed. NFTs fell off a cliff.

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