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  1. 2024年4月27日 · Listen now. A musical journey into the trial chambers. Trial chambers are a very special feature of the Tricky Trials Update not just because they’re full of traps, tricks, and treasure; but because each trial chamber you find will have a different layout, different mobs to do battle with, and different challenges to face!

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  4. 打造你的世界. Minecraft 15 週年慶充滿喜悅和驚奇,帶你回顧我們從默默無聞到風靡全球,一路攜手走來的精彩歷程。 願方塊繼續充滿你我的未來! 購買 Minecraft 遊戲,最多省下 50%! 限時特賣. Minecraf:Java & Bedrock 版. $544.00 $1,088.00. 50% 優惠. 沙盒生存、冒險、單人遊戲 + 多人遊戲. Minecraft Dungeons. 地下城探索類遊戲、動作 RPG、單人遊戲 + 多人遊戲. Minecraft Legends. 動作 RPG、策略、單人遊戲 + 多人遊戲. 購買 Minecraft 行動版,最多省下 70%! 「塊」來跟我們一起玩! 深入探索史上第一個面對面、沉浸式、互動式的 Minecraft 冒險!

  5. 2024年4月26日 · Tricky Trials! The Tricky Trials Update is going to be filled with daring adventures and surprising rewards. Hunt for the trial chambers, and take on the challenge that awaits you in this sprawling copper structure. Fight off unfamiliar foes like the bogged and the breeze in your hunt for an elusive trial key!

  6. What is Minecraft Launcher? The Minecraft Launcher is your hub for accessing all of your favorite Minecraft games on PC. You can download new versions of Minecraft games, access multiplayer servers, manage your profile, get mod support, and more with Minecraft Launcher. Learn more about Minecraft Launcher through the help center.

  7. WATCH THE TRAILER. Step into the rare cherry blossom biome, bursting with pink cherry blossom leaves. The sniffer was once extinct, but now you can bring it back to the Overworld. Armor trims show the world that you’ve traveled, survived, and dressed for the occasion!