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  1. W
    賽季 20234
    6月 7日@皇家
    9 - 10
    Bot 2
    1 - 2
    2:10 下午 EDT
    6月 9日@皇家
  2. If there is an argument for a "openmanufacturing-dev" list like Bryan made, that might be a clearer boundary -- the focus on making such a system (or systems, SKDB, OSCOMAK, fenn's Gingery-related work, open biotech, and so on, maybe in partnership with others, or using existing platforms and standards) so it may be used to inform general discus...

  3. Following the scheme developed by Leonid Grinin, Anton Grinin and Andrey Korotayev (2017, 2022), it represents a major turning point in the history of humankind, comparable to the Neolithic and the Industrial Revolutions.

  4. Summary. "Frase considers the endgame of our current political struggles, locating future scenarios along two axes: scarcity versus abundance, and social hierarchy versus equality. This yields four possibilities: communism (abundance with equality), rentism (abundance with hierarchy), socialism (scarcity with equality), and.

  5. Definition. From the Wikipedia: "Biohacking is the practice of engaging biology with the hacker ethic. Biohacking encompasses a wide spectrum of practices and movements ranging from Grinders who design and install DIY body-enhancements such as magnetic implants to DIY biologists who conduct at-home gene sequencing.

  6. Description. Bryan Alexander: "A story has a beginning, a middle, and a cleanly wrapped-up ending. Whether told around a campfire, read from a book,or played on a DVD, a story goes from point A to B and then C. It follows a trajectory, a Freytag Pyramid—perhaps the line of a human life or the stages of the hero's journey.

  7. Introduction. By George Dafermos: "The concept of the Partner State took on a central importance in the work of the theorists affiliated with the P2PF in the last decade. Initially, it was incorporated into their discourse as a strategic proposal for building commons-friendly institutions at statelevel.

  8. Proof of stake (PoS) is an alternative approach that has gained popularity in recent years and that requires no specialist hardware. In PoW, hashrate determines how likely a participant is to add the next block of transactions to the blockchain. In PoS, the participant’s coin stake determines their likelihood.