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  1. 得分
    Timberwolves won series 4-3終場
    5月 19日vs灰狼
    90 - 98
  2. Windows. E10+. Minecraft Dungeons 標準版. 在全新的動作冒險遊戲中拚鬥出一條自己的路,靈感來自經典的地下城探索者遊戲,並以 Minecraft 的世界為場景! 標準版可讓您從 Microsoft 商店中取得 Windows 版 Minecraft 啟動器。 探索 Minecraft Dungeons. 一款動作冒險遊戲,靈感來自經典的地下城探索者遊戲,並以 Minecraft 的世界為場景。 與代表性的生物戰鬥,展開尋寶任務,並收集傳說中的物品,盡在終極版之中。 瞭解所有關於季節性冒險的資訊 – Minecraft Dungeons 的全新免費主題活動! 征服全新高塔多人遊戲、探索叢林等級的樹梢纏結,或取得最愛的友善生物外表。

  3. 2019年7月6日 · Sky Factory 4 is a modpack – a pack of Minecraft Java edition mods carefully designed and configured to work together, and is available through the Twitch launcher. It was created by prolific modpack-maker Darkosto, working with Bacon_Donut, who put together the original Sky Factory back in 2014.

  4. 如何連線至 Java 版伺服器. 如何託管 Java 版本 LAN 伺服器. 如何保障在伺服器上的安全. 如何連線至 Bedrock 版伺服器. 若要連線至 Bedrock 版伺服器,請開啟 Minecraft 並點擊主選單中的「遊玩」。 此操作會帶您前往有三個分頁「世界」、「好友」和「伺服器」的畫面。 若您要與好友一起玩遊戲,則請點擊「好友」分頁。 此操作會帶您前往一個畫面,您可在該畫面查看自己為成員的 Realms,以及正在玩 Minecraft 的好友。 若要新增好友,請詢問對方的玩家代號,然後點擊「新增好友」按鈕。 輸入玩家代號後請點擊 enter 鍵,系統將為您搜尋該玩家,接著您便可新增好友。

  5. The Mountain is the sequel to his first Minecraft book, The Island, in which we follow the inner thoughts of Guy, a man who wakes up and finds himself having to survive in a weird world of blocks. He's figured out how to punch trees for wood and build a shelter for the night, but things get real for Guy in The Mountain.

  6. Insider. From the Desk of Bopogamel. Talking toys and tat with Mojang’s Director of Creative Comms. As Albert Einstein once asked, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”. I’m not sure what he’d make of Owen “ Bopogamel ” Jones’s desk, with its many gaming toys and trinkets ...

  7. Minecraft Preview A Minecraft Bedrock Edition Preview. The latest Bedrock Preview just released and there's quite a few changes to test out! You'll now find brand new Wolves roaming the Overworld, Wind Charge improvements, and the Bogged has received an updated look.

  8. Marketplace. New Year’s Celebration: Grave Danger. Defend your castle against the undead! Picture this. You’re standing atop your beautiful castle and you see a shimmer in the distance. Is it zombies? Is it undead hounds? Is it a gigantic, terrifying plushie with nails in its arm?