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  1. 得分
    4月 14日@熱火
    103 - 118
  2. Whip out the ruler card and see which Richard is best! No matter what party you're in, Tricky Dicks will fit right in. Go around in a circle playing cards and claiming if you have the biggest, smallest, thickets, or thinnest and compare with your opponents. Most points at the end of the game wins!

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  3. 2020年4月25日 · allows you to play either real-time or async. Real-time is possible due to instantaneous updates whenever players make moves and async is assisted with e-mail notifications. You can also play local games (hotseat mode) with or without an account.

  4. Prepare yourself for an outrageously funny gameplay experience with "Dick Sits"! The rules are simple, but the laughter is anything but. Here's how it goes: Draw a Dick (if no Dick is visible) and Choose Sit or Sh*t: When it's your turn, if no Dick is visible, draw a

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  5. 2011年3月29日 · Classification. In Citadels, players take on new roles each round to represent characters they hire in order to help them acquire gold and erect buildings. The game ends at the close of a round in which a player erects his/her eighth building. Players then tally their points, and the player with the highest score wins.

  6. An offensive and immature party game for adults who hate each other. The aim of Go F**k Yourself! is to collect as many full sets (four of a kind) as possible. There are thirteen different sets in the deck and the player with the most at the end is the winner.

  7. Richard Channing Garfield (born June 26, 1963 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a game designer and mathematics professor who is known for creating the very popular card game Magic: The Gathering. He also is the great-great-grandson of U.S. President James A. Garfield.

  8. Dick is a party game in which you use direct quotations from Herman Melville's 1851 novel, Moby-Dick, to propose answers to mock-serious questions. It is a game about playing irreverently with words and meanings. In each round, one player serves as a judge