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  1. 1. Updated version: "The Consilience Project publishes novel research at the leading edges of global risk mitigation, governance design and culture. Our content explores the key challenges and existential threats facing humanity, and the underlying problems with current approaches for addressing them.

  2. Description. "OpenFlix provides a directory of movies commonly thought to be in the public domain and works their owners are willing to let be distributed. Public Domain refers to the body of creative works and knowledge in which no person, government or organization has any proprietary interest such as a copyright. These works are considered ...

  3. Description. 1. Alan Kirby: "digimodernism is the name I give to the cultural impact of computerization. It denotes the point at which digitization intersects with cultural and artistic forms. Most recognizably, this leads to a new form of text with its own peculiar characteristics (evanescence, onwardness, haphazardness, fluid-boundedness, etc.).

  4. Cultural consequences of digital film-making Chris Anderson, author of the concept and book on the Long Tail, summarizes the Digital Day panel of the Directors Guild of America, where a number of directors explained the difference between digital and analog filmmaking. ...

  5. Dmytri Kleiner is the author of The Telekommunist Manifesto, and a contributing artist to the “Miscommunication Technologies” continuing series of artworks in collaboration with the Telekommunisten Network.

  6. Podcast via Description Jim Rutt: "Daniel Schmachtenberger & Jim talk about his newly launched project ...

  7. "Kryder’s law is a term for an analysis of the density and capability of hard drive storage media over time. It is seen as a correlate to Moore’s law, a theory that holds that the number of transistors placed in an integrated circuit should double every two years, resulting in predictable progress in microprocessor speed.

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