Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Katharina Pistor: "This Article explores data as a source and, in their processed variant, as a means of governance that will likely replace both markets and the law. Discussing data not as an object of transactions or an object of governance, but as a tool for governing others on a scale that rivals that of nation states with their law."

  2. Article: Using Emergence to Take Social Innovations to Scale. By Margaret Wheatley & Deborah Frieze, 2006 URL = ...

  3. * Book: Philip Clayton and Justin Heinzekehr. Organic Marxism: An Alternative to Capitalism and Ecological Catastrophe. Process Century Press, 2014 URL = https://www ...

  4. The notion of "wicked problems", introduced by Rittel and Webber (1973), was used originally in social planning to describe a problem that is resistant to simple resolution due to the complex, open-systemic interdependencies of its multiple natural and social facets as they dynamically morph, reconfigure into emergent relational networks, and fe...

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Discussion

    "The common message of New Economy movement is the vastly expanded definition for the term “Value’ – far beyond that which can be articulated with money. Very few organizations hold this idea as explicit to their DNA as The Metacurrency Project. metacurrency 300x45 New Economies at SIBOS; The Metacurrency ProjectFew can deny that the Sun delivers a...

    1. "We are building platforms and protocols necessary for an open source economy. This requires new technology capacities which need to function in a non-monopolizable manner. 1. Open Identity: Create, manage and own your identity in a trustworthy manner, independent of any central authority. 1. Open Rules: Know the rules of any currency you partic...

    Eric Harris-Braun: "What we are claiming in the meta-currency project, is that the seemingly different social phenomena of monetary exchange, eBay reputation points, grades, coupons, airline-miles, etc.., are similarly expressions of a common pattern. They are all: - formal information systems that allow communities to interact with flows And we ca...

  5. Daniel has been a member of Gaia Education (since 2007) and the International Futures Forum (since 2009). He is also a fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) and the Findhorn Foundation Fellowship. Daniel has worked closely with Gaia Education since 2006 when he participated in the first ...

  6. Yochai Benkler is the Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard Law School and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.