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  1. Description WAMOTOPIA 2023: From December 16, 2023, to January 1, 2024, Wamians will jointly undertake a profound exploration of the future world, weaving a spectacular emergence, a prototype society of the future in Chiang Mai. In August 2022, a group of ...

  2. Medialab-Prado holds intensive workshops for collaborative project production, training workshops, theoretical seminars, talks, presentations and roundtables, gatherings on experimental music and live audio/video, as well as meetings for research groups and work groups on a variety of subjects.

  3. Btetree. = A website for bit torrents of live music concerts for bands which allow the free trading of their music. URL =

  4. For every recording sold, record companies pay a small royalty into the trust, which uses the money to sponsor free performances. The fund pays musicians to perform as many as10,000 free concerts in parks, schools and hospitals across the country." ()

  5. Livecoding is a form of performance in which the artwork is expressed in software code that is written and re-written live during performance. Many livecoding artists write their own software tools to support this way of working. Alex McLean’s ‘’ was one

  6. Video of the event was streamed live, allowing remote participants to observe conference activities. Numerous conferences have adopted similar dual approaches—including virtual presentations broadcast to a face-to-face audience—to extend the reach of

  7. It can broadcast TV programs stably and smoothly to broadband users. Compared to traditional stream media, PPStream adopts p2p - streaming technology and supports full-scale visit with tens of thousands of users online. Its client software can be used as a webpage or as a desktop program.