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  1. In the ten points that Jay explains in his post, he reveals deep insight into process philosophy, traditional Chinese thought, and Marxist thought. We agree with Jay that deep organic connections exist between these three schools of thought.

  2. For two years Jens Dyvik has been visiting and working at more than 30 different FabLabs, Makerspaces and Hackerspaces on all corners of the world. The story of these experiences and adventures is told through footage, interviews and animations from all

  3. Time Between Worlds are "the pivotal epochs in world system transformation as times involving profound educational disruption and innovation. These were times when all four of the major crisis vectors—sense-making, meaning making, legitimacy, and capability—are beset by disruptions of intergenerational transmission.A time between worlds is ...

  4. Tribal Convergence Network. = TCN is a synergistic web of social architects aligning with conscious individuals and organizations. We develop sustainable and generative whole systems design templates to cultivate harmonious alliances and collaborative interdependent communities. URL =

  5. World-systems theory or world-systems analysis, framed and used not only by Wallerstein, was and still is very much tied to his name. However, as Wallerstein 2.0 intends to show, it could be applied in a much broader sense to problems and questions that determine the 21st century.

  6. The notion of "wicked problems", introduced by Rittel and Webber (1973), was used originally in social planning to describe a problem that is resistant to simple resolution due to the complex, open-systemic interdependencies of its multiple natural and social facets as they dynamically morph, reconfigure into emergent relational networks, and fe...

  7. In The Emergence of Everything , one of the leading scientists involved in the study of complexity, Harold J. Morowitz, takes us on a sweeping tour of the universe, a tour with 28 stops, each one highlighting a particularly important moment of emergence.