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  1. 2015年12月1日 · The Nile valley is a fertile one where there is an abundance of water and sun, elements which the ancient Egyptian believed were gods, they called the sun Amon and the Nile Apis.尼羅河谷擁有充足的淡水與陽光,這二者被古埃及人為神靈,他們尊稱太陽為 AMON,稱尼羅河為 APIS。 Memphis was the first great capital of Egypt, united as a single kingdom in the third millennium B.C..

  2. 2016年1月2日 · 今日主題:Food politics in America--Popped (美國的食品政策—砰的出現) 康康精選GRE&GMAT會考的主題,堅持每天精讀一定會進步的哦! MP3音檔

  3. 2016年8月11日 · Since February, the Federal Reserve has raised its short-term interest rate target five times, a