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  1. Achor 稱之為 20 秒定律。. He says, "Lowering the barrier by just 20 seconds was all it took to help me form a new habit." 他說:「讓我養成新習慣,僅僅只需要將阻礙降低 20 秒。. The 20 Second Rule not only can be used to build new empowering habits, but it can be used to ease the transition between negative and ...

  2. A2 初級. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:人生,踏上,面對,夢想,孤立無援,放棄,測試,上帝,閃耀,出路,發熱,嘗試,影子,發光,總會,情人,挫折,停下,笑容,光明 ...

  3. 祕訣一:用黑紅綠法則來解決你的作文題。 This exercise comes from the Royal Literary Fund, and it's a great trick to use when you're tackling a difficult essay question. 這個練習是來自於皇家文藝基金會,也是一個用來對付難纏作文題目的好方法。 First, make sure you've got three colored pens—you guessed it, one black, one red and one green. 首先,確定你有三種顏色的筆—你猜對了,一隻黑色,一隻紅色,還有一隻綠色的。

  4. 你是否曾經在坐著時感覺到手腳發麻及腫脹?. In areas that are the most compressed, your nerves, arteries and veins can become blocked, which limits nerve signaling, causing the numbness, and reduces blood flow in your limbs, causing them to swell. 在最被壓縮的區塊,你的神經和動靜脈可能會被堵塞,這會 ...

  5. This is a course about Justice and we begin with a story. 這是關於正義的一課,我們將用一個故事來開始. suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, 假設你是一位電車駕駛. and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at sixty miles an hour. 你的電車正以時速六十公里的速度在軌道上向下奔馳. and at the end of the track, you notice five workers working on the track. 在軌道的盡頭,你注意到有五個工人正在這軌道上工作.

  6. In the 1960s, American psychologist Paul Ekman suggested that people have six basic emotions – happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise. 在 1960 年代,美國心理學家 Paul Ekman 曾經提出人有六種基本情緒,分別是快樂、悲傷、憤怒、恐懼、厭惡和驚訝。.

  7. 你可以聽到並模仿出正確的英文,如此一來,可以幫助你講出正確的句子。. You get to learn idioms, expressions, and other speaking patterns that are used in day-to-day conversations. 你還可以學到日常對話的用語、表達方式和說話的模式與邏輯。. You get to learn grammar. 你也可以學到文法 ...

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