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  1. Description. Jess Scully: "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it.

  2. FOSS in Taiwan, an overview of the situation regarding free and open software in Taiwan. Categories: Asia. Country. This page was last edited on 12 July 2015, at 07:03. Copyright Information. This page has been accessed 10,340 times.

  3. Taiwan — a 30-year old democracy that just went through its 3rd change of power by election this May — is on the way to creating a something new under the sun.

  4. SOP for OSS is a Standard operating procedures for open source softwares. It is run by the Chinese Open Systems Association. By late 2005 it had completed SOP documents for installing and configuring Fedora core 2, webmin, apache, sendmail, mysql, samba, phpnuke, tomcat, openwebmail, firewall and

    • Evaluating Design
    • Design Efficiency
    • Established and Potential Trends
    • Post-Scarcity Worldview
    • Carrying Capacity
    • Value Shift
    • Efficiency Amplifiers
    • The Game Changers
    • Raw Resource Assessment
    • Land

    Examining the surface of Earth today, a network layer of communities, industrial centers, transport routes, recreational areas, agricultural systems and the like dominate much of the landscape. Whether intended as a total system construct or not, this result, at any given point in time, constitutes the appearance of a topographical design. Yet, on ...

    If we break down the everyday complexity of our lives today, dissecting what interplay is most critical to human survival, sustainability and prosperity, we might find three basic things: science, natural law & resources. 'Science' is the mechanism for discovery and validation; 'natural law' is the pre-existing rule set which we are continually lea...

    There are two broad, basic trends/realities to consider in the world today. For the purposes of this essay, we will refer to them as “established” and “potential”. Established trends are the socioeconomic trends in play at the time of this writing and these, in the context of public health and ecological balance, are shown to be almost entirely neg...

    In this section, basic statistics and trends will be presented to show how we can, as a global society, achieve a “post-scarcity” social system. While scarcity in absolute terms will always be with humanity to one degree or another in this closed system of Earthly resources, scarcity on the level of human needs and basic material success is no long...

    However, before these four issues are addressed in detail, an analysis of the Earth's “carrying capacity” is in order. Carrying capacity is defined as “the maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment.”Speculation on the Earth's carrying capacity with respect to human bei...

    In order to think properly about the state of our productive capacity to produce life-supporting and standard of living improving goods today, we need to first rationally separate human needs fromhuman wants, with the priority of meeting needs first. While this distinction may appear like a controversial opinion to many, in a world where now 46% of...

    We will call these “efficiency amplifiers” and the following list presents examples of needed structural economic and social changes which assist this optimized efficiency.

    The discussion of advanced technologies which can dramatically transform the unfolding of the future and assist the pursuit of post-scarcity have not been a focus of this essay as it becomes too easy to simply assume the reality of the speculations. A great number of “futurists” have done just this with mixed results and often times it leaves the a...

    As noted, assessing the state of natural resources to gauge the degree of total/maximum use capacity as per the human population cannot be done by simply extrapolating around current methods. We need to get both a general sense of current inventory levels of all relevant Earthly, resources and then digest them with respect to the aforementioned eff...

    Unlike prior assessments, the issue of land access takes a different consideration. Earth has a finite amount of inhabitable land and hence the method by which humans gain access to and share land over time is the real issue. Needless to say, not every human being can have his or her own private Earth. Likewise, the sickness bred by materialism, we...

  5. For general information see Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be ...

  6. Taiwan Indigenous Conserved Territories Union. = organization to protect the land tenure rights and well-being of Taiwanese indigenous communities. URL =. member of the ICCA Consortium, which aims to protect Indigenous Peoples and Community Conserved Territories and Areas.