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  1. 朱軒的解释是: 1. 紅漆的車子。 古代為顯貴所乘。 &n...,點擊查查權威在線詞典詳細解釋朱軒的解釋、意思、同義詞、反義詞和造句。

  2. president. "理事長;董事長" 英文翻譯 : chief director. "理事會理事長" 英文翻譯 : chairman of board of directors. "童軍會理事長" 英文翻譯 : council chairman. "理事會理事長董事會董事長" 英文翻譯 : chairman of board of directors. "吉林省動物學會理事長" 英文翻譯 : director in chief of ...

  3. 例句與用法. He appointed williams as his deputy. 他指派威廉斯作為他的 職務代理人 。. He is my deputy during my absence. 我不在時,他是我的 職務代理人 。. If the matron is absent , ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out. 管理人員請假外出時請向 職務代理人 申請簽核。.

  4. 例句與用法. The college is named after george washington . 該大學以喬治華盛頓的名字 命名 。. Baekelund established a valuable nomenclature . 巴克倫建立了很有價值的 命名 法。. He was named after his uncle . 他是依照叔父的名來 命名 的。. The whole area will be called "olympic city" . 整個地區將 ...

  5. It sounds like sb. 's knocking on the door . 像是有人在 敲門 。. There came a gentle tap on the door . 門上有了輕微的 敲門 聲。. Presently a timid knock was heard at the door . 不久,聽見有人在膽怯地 敲門 。. She entered the room without knocking . 她沒 敲門 就進了房間。. 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5.

  6. 這個也叫叉,在日本空手道里有專門套路是該 門派 主要器械之一,據說忍者的器械里也有這個。 看來是從中國傳過去的。 For many years , our whole family studied various types of qigong methods but couldn t find the path to liberation . this time , we have finally found the home of our souls. 多年來,我們全家研習過各種 門派 的多種氣功,卻總找不到解脫之道,這一次,終于找到了我們心靈的歸宿。

  7. 例句與用法. They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment . 他們希望從實驗中獲得 陽性 結果。. The tests proved positive . 試驗呈 陽性 。. The test gave consistently positive results with virulent virus . 用強毒病毒時,此試驗恒定地呈現 陽性 結果。. In some cases of nonspecific enteritis ...

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