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  1. Description. Jess Scully: "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it.

  2. Description. "This article introduces the concept of “dissensus” from political theory to debates about peer governance in online communities. Dissensus describes the emergence of incompatible differences. Among peer-to-peer technologies, blockchain stands out as a set of ideas that explicitly seek to resolve dissensus through consensus protocols.

  3. Abstract. "Degrowth and post-growth economics has rejuvenated the debates about the reorientation of economies in the Global North towards environmental sustainability, equality, need satisfaction and democracy.

  4. Description. "Evidence from social psychology highlights the importance of cultural values in shaping our collective responses to challenges such as these. “Extrinsic” values (those preoccupied with image, social status, and financial success) are associated with lower levels of concern about such problems and lower commitment to addressing them.

  5. The notion of the panspectron was coined by Manuel DeLanda’s in his book War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (1991), referring mainly technological developments within signal intelligence during the second world war and onwards. According to DeLanda it differs from the panopticon in the nature of its gaze.

  6. 1. From the Wikiversity: "Deleuze coined the term 'dividual' to explain the mechanisms of a 'control society', which he opposes to Foucaults 'disciplinary society' (a stage he says we have left). The basic premise is that the term individual means indivisible, the smallest unit which society can be reduced to.

  7. Xinchejian Hackerspace Shanghai - P2P Foundation. Description. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public.

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