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  1. 2013年8月16日 · If a software product with an inheriting copyleft clause – as for example term 2b) in the GNU GPL License (GNU, 1991) – is embedded to become a part of another product then the combined product should be distributed for free. A proprietary license may free the user from this restriction.

  2. Most of social media content is not about politics (sorry guys) – most of that £5 billion advertising revenue does not come from political organizations. So any incentives that companies have to create echo chambers – for the purposes of targeted advertising, for example – are most likely to relate to lifestyle choices or entertainment preferences, rather than political attitudes.

  3. 2012年4月4日 · Isaac Wilder (imw) is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Free Network Foundation. He studied Computer Science and Philosophy at Grinnell college until 2011, when he left Grinnell to pursue free network advocacy full-time. He is currently based in Kansas City, MO.

  4. It can help to understand the shock waves of support that brought us the Italian Five Star Movement, Podemos in Spain, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, and most recently Brexit and Trump – all of which have campaigned against the “establishment” and challenged traditional political institutions to breaking point.

  5. Description. Gavin Hayes: “Lately we’ve been witnessing more and more small worlds fall apart under the weight of their vast moral centre of gravity. In the past year, the middle-class, middle-aged, overwhelmingly female knitters of Instagram have descended into internecine conflict over racism allegations.

  6. "The Solidarity Economy is an alternative development framework that is grounded in practice and the in the principles of: solidarity, mutualism, and cooperation; equity in all dimensions (race/ethnicity/ nationality, class, gender, LGBTQ); social well-being over profit and the unfettered rule of the market; sustainability; social and economic d...

  7. Zeitgeist Movies The first movie was the one that was heavily biased and based on all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories. The 2nd was more balanced and introduces the Venus Project as the real alternative. Now we also have a third one released through ...