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  1. Charles Lee (6 February 1732 [ O.S. 26 January 1731] – 2 October 1782) was a British-born American military officer who served as a general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He also served earlier in the British Army during the Seven Years War.

  2. 2024年5月9日 · ESPN Sources: Boston Celtics lead assistant Charles Lee has agreed on a four-year deal to become the Charlotte Hornets’ next coach.

  3. 2024年5月10日 · 現年39歲的Charles Lee,已經成為聯盟最有成就的助理教練之一,現在與新任籃球營運執行總裁Jeff Peterson一起在夏洛特主持黃蜂的重建工作,兩人在亞特蘭大老鷹一起開始了他們的 NBA 職業生涯。. Charles Lee將先完成塞爾提克的季後賽之旅,然後全職加入黃蜂 ...

  4. Charles Lee (February 6, 1732 - October 2, 1782) was a Major General in the American Revolutionary War. He was second-in-command to General George Washington, though he was known for his efforts to undermine General Washington. In 1780, Lee formally resigned from the Continental Army and retired to Philadelphia.

  5. 查爾斯·李·「恰吉」·雷(Charles Lee 「Chucky」 Ray )(1958年5月1日 — )是 恐怖砍殺 系列 鬼娃恰吉 電影中的 主要反派角色 ,是一個兇殘的 連環殺手 。 在一次追捕中中彈流血後,他將自己的靈魂轉移到一個「安仔」娃娃( "Good Guy" doll )中,並不斷試圖將自己的 靈魂碎片 轉移到眾多的娃娃身上(每個娃娃都有獨立的意識和記憶)以此試圖 占領世界 。 該角色已成為最知名的恐怖形象之一,並在 流行文化 中多次被提及。 1999年,「恰吉」憑藉電影 《鬼娃新娘》 獲得 MTV電影獎 最佳反派提名。

  6. Not only did he criticize George Washington and connive to supplant him, but some historians argue that he attempted to betray the infant United States. In this brilliant new biography, Philip Papas presents Lee as a complex combination of brilliance, high ideals, and self destructive tendencies.

  7. 2020年2月14日 · General Charles Lee was a leader during the American Revolution. He was second-in-command to General George Washington, and famously believed that he ought to have been given leadership of the army. He criticized Washington’s decisions and openly attacked his reputation.