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  1. 2023年7月4日 · Lost Ruins of Arnak 阿納克遺跡的詳細策略指南(翻譯) | Lost Ruins of Arnak 配合中文版近來推出,我重新校正了之前版本的翻譯名詞,原文提及的卡片,我都有儘量將說明附在旁邊,希望有幫助到各位玩家。

  2. 當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,試著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸!. 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤!. 夥伴!. 如果是你,你會怎麼做?. 再抽一張吧 ...

  3. Here are my thoughts on Strategy for Splendor. I'm in the top 10 for ELO scores in the app game, and they seem to work well for me. -Reserve the cards you want early on -Take 3 chips in early turns -Reserve cards that cost all of the same

  4. 2018年2月1日 · The treasure in the following scenarios will offer up a random side scenario: 1, 8, 17, 24, 49. Personal quests 52-62 all count as side scenarios and are related to personal quests: 510, 513, 521, 522, 526, 529. If you tag along while other adventurers complete these they will count for you.

  5. Community Wiki. Edit. Fields of Arle is the most autobiographical game designed by Uwe Rosenberg. Its story is set in the village where his father was born and his parents married. One of the scattered settlements around Arle, Beemoor, is a travel destination in this game. This is where Rosenberg’s father grew up on a secluded farm.

  6. Nucleum is a heavy euro board game in which players take role of industrialists trying to succeed during the economic and technological boom of 19th-century Saxony, fueled by the invention and spread of the Nucleum (a nuclear reactor). Players earn victory points by developing their networks, building and powering urban buildings, securing ...

  7. 7/10 我们来到一座名叫Alula的小岛上,这片神秘的大地会随着季节的变换而改变。揭开层层的迷雾,我们需要探寻其中的奥秘,满足原驻民和神龛的需求,我们就会得到比其他探险者更多的声望。一款支持2-6人的轻策小游戏。 游戏的美术相当有特点,土著风格+绚丽色彩的组合确实让人印象深刻,这款 ...