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  1. 奧捷旅遊天氣 相關

  2. 安排豪華客機直飛、布拉格2晚五星+溫泉渡假飯店,打卡夢幻聖誕市集,全覽奧捷斯匈精華景點! 奧捷斯匈精選:哈斯達特小鎮/漁夫堡/布拉格城堡/熊布朗宮,鹽礦地底世界探險、多瑙河遊船晚宴!

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    哈斯達特湖區小鎮.布拉格3晚五星.維也納音樂會.米其林饗宴,在神仙美景、悠揚樂聲中陶冶心靈. 沒有趕集式行程,跟著吉光悠閒收藏奧捷之美!安排2晚哈斯達特,讓您深度慢遊如詩如畫的湖畔小鎮


  1. Inspiring artists, important politicians, and tourists from all over the world are populating Vienna and in need of a hotel room. This is your opportunity to turn your little café into a world famous hotel. Hire staff, fulfill the wishes of your guests, and gain the emperor's favor.

    • (21.3K)
  2. This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central idea is that a column of marbles has weight given by the number of marbles in line.

    • (7.7K)
  3. Each player starts the game with ten creature cards (five in hand and five in a draw pile) and tries to use them to reduce the opponent's life total to zero. In addition, every player receives two Mindbug cards that can be used to mind control an opposing creature when it is played.

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