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  1. noun [ C ] uk / ˈek.əʊ / us / ˈek.oʊ / plural echoes. echo noun [C] (SOUND) Add to word list. C2. a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff. 回聲,回音,回響. The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫聲在洞中迴盪了好幾秒鐘。 Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway. 厚地毯會減弱走廊中的回音。

  2. vi. 隨聲附和;發出回聲. 英語釋義. the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped. ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter" a reply that repeats what has just been said. to say again or imitate; "followers echoing the cries of their leaders" call to mind; "His words echoed John F. Kennedy" 片語. light echo 光回聲;回光. echo chamber 回音室.

  3. Echo 通常在 shell 脚本中用于显示信息,例如要求用户提供输入或显示脚本中某个操作的错误或警告。 echo 命令具有简单的语法和几个选项: echo [options] [input string] 让我们看一些 echo 命令的示例。 1. 显示变量的值. 假设您声明了一个变量 var=100。 您可以使用 echo 命令显示该变量的值: echo The value of variable var is $var. 其输出将显示如下: The value of variable var is 100. 2. 不要打印最后的换行符. 默认情况下,echo 命令的输出会在输出中添加一个新行,以便将输出显示在整行中。

  4. 2020年9月15日 · echo 指令最主要功能就是用來: 1. 顯示訊息. 2. 或開啟或關閉命令回應功能. 語法. echo [] echo [on | off] 參數. [on | off] > 開啟或關閉命令回顯功能。 命令回顯預設為開啟。 > 指定要在螢幕上顯示的文字。 /? > 在命令提示字元顯示說明。 使用範例: 當用在顯示訊息時: if exist *.eps echo It is a Picture files. 當用在開啟或關閉命令回顯功能時: 通常我們會在檔案最前面帶上 echo. 以下是幾種範例輸出結果: 1.顯示訊息 > This is a echo command test. echo on.

  5. noun [ C ] uk / ˈek.əʊ / us / ˈek.oʊ / plural echoes. echo noun [C] (SOUND) Add to word list. C2. a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff. 回声,回音,回响. The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫声在洞中回荡了好几秒钟。 Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway. 厚地毯会减弱走廊中的回音。

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  7. echo. /ˈɛkoʊ/. 動詞. "echo" 例句. The sound of chainsaws echoed through the forest as the loggers began their work. Voices can echo off the walls of the canyon. The sound of the water dripping echoes off the walls of the cave. When he reached the top of the mountain, he shouted to hear the echo of his voice. "echo" 相關課程教材.

  8. 2016年8月6日 · 歌詞轉自 +自己修正錯誤~. 今天要先介紹的是GUMI的 ECHO(回聲). 這是原版 GUMI 的版本,電子音完全就是這首的風格www. 如果不喜歡全電子的感覺,也可以考慮下面兩個版本~!. 其一是 https ...

  9. › app › 2992360Bloom Echo on Steam

    3 天前 · The name of the game is simple: Find a way out of the maze in record time. About This Game Bloom Echo is a single player third person puzzle game. Play one of two characters as you undergo a series of challenges orchestrated by The Operator.

  10. 公司網址. 【關於我們】 股票代號6922,宸曜科技創立於2010年,以「Neousys」自有品牌行銷全球,是一家深耕台灣、布局全球、積極拓展Edge AI運算邊界理念的高科技企業。. 總部設於新北市,並在美國芝加哥,及中國上海及北京設有據點 ...

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