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  1. 局部臟污:將軟布沾取中性清潔劑(如洗碗精)擦拭臟污處。 Remove dead skin cells and remove dirts and excess oils from pores , rich in leather . can use directly on skin 能軟化角質,徹底潔凈毛孔 臟污 和多馀油脂,泡沫柔細。

  2. 例句與用法. Glasses and metal bracelet , etc : detergent and water. 眼鏡及金屬表帶: 洗潔精 +水. Dishwashing detergent is safe to use as car wash. 洗碗用的 洗潔精 同樣安全適用于清洗汽車。. Please clean it by a sponge dampened with detergent before uses. 使用前請用蘸了 洗潔精 的海綿等清洗。.

  3. 例句與用法. 2 one - off cutlery : thin box , thin bowl , thin cup , knife and fork series. 2 一次性餐具 :薄壁杯,薄壁,薄壁盒,刀叉系列. Package of soft , stripe or bulk materials such as towel , tissue , noodle , squid eggroll , sausage , ice cream biscuits , fresh fruit , and jelly candy. 毛巾、紙巾、掛面、蛋卷、香腸、魷魚、冰棒、軟糖、餅干、 一次性餐具 、鮮果等柔軟狀、長條狀、散狀物的包裝。

  4. 洗碗水英文翻譯: dish water…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋洗碗水英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯洗碗水,洗碗水的英語例句用法和解釋。 洗碗水英文_洗碗水英文怎麼說

  5. 例句與用法. They always clean these things thoroughly . 他們總是徹底 清洗 這些東西。. Please bind the carpet before cleaning it . 請在 清洗 地毯以前把邊收一收。. Two objectives are usually sought in cleaning . 清洗 一般要達到兩個目標。. The waves began pulling out of the contents . 海浪開始 清洗 ...

  6. The box bulged with cookies . 盒子里 裝滿 了甜餅。. Like this cup, you are full of your thoughts . 象這個杯子一樣,你已經 裝滿 了你自己的想法。. This case is full , i can 't pack any more clothes in . 這箱子已 裝滿 ,我塞不進更多的衣服。. This case is full , i can 't pack any more clothes in . 這 ...

  7. scraped products. "報廢" 英文翻譯 : announce invalidated check i ... "品" 英文翻譯 : article; product. "報廢;廢品" 英文翻譯 : discard. "待報廢品庫" 英文翻譯 : planned obsolescence warehouse. "屬品;待報廢品" 英文翻譯 : obsolescent. "排斥工人 廢品 報廢 報廢件 不考慮" 英文翻譯 : discard.

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