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  1. 白沙屯拱天宮 相關

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  1. 白沙的俄語:pinyin:bóshā1) см. 白砂2) зоол. кунья акула (Mustelus manazo) 白沙什麽意思: 1.白色沙礫。 《荀子‧勸學》: “蓬生麻中, 不扶而直;白沙在涅, 與之俱黑。” 《晉書‧五行志中》: “ 元康 中, 京洛 童謠曰: ‘南風起, 吹白沙, 遙望 魯國 何嵯峨?

  2. 我跟著白沙屯媽祖去旅行4天回來了... 그리고 이는 하나님의 성품에 아직도 대적하고 있는 것이다 (베드로후서 3:9). 這其中還扯到神的對抗(媽祖Vs.玄天上帝)。엄마의 희생과 기도로 잘 마무리됨을 감사드리며 都要設醮建壇,祈求媽祖賜福。

  3. 白沙村英文翻譯: pak sha tsuen…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋白沙 村英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯白沙村,白沙村的英語例句用法和解釋。 简体版 English 登入 註冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英語翻譯 ...

  4. "靠山吃山,靠水吃水" 英文翻譯: On the mountain one lives by mountain products,near the water one lives by the products of the sea.In the mountains,one lives on mountain products,along the coast,on sea on what the locality providesmake a living in one's given circumstancesThose living on a mountain get their living from the mountain,those living near the water get their ...

  5. 沙拉缽的英文翻譯,沙拉缽英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯沙拉缽,沙拉缽的英文單字,沙拉钵的英文,沙拉钵 meaning in English,沙拉缽怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  6. Sacrifice had a double origin . 獻祭有雙重起源。 He offered up the sacrifice of gratitude at the temples of his faith . 他在他所信奉的宗教的圣殿里獻祭感恩。 Those who were able continued their prayers and their dances, and finally the last goat and bullock had been

  7. スタニスはついに鉄の 玉座を手に入れる"狹海"を渡り 鉄の玉座を取り返したい 私はトメント一緒に鉄の玉座に座っていた 俺は"鉄の玉座"に座ろうとは思わない 玉座がチンコでできていないのは殘念だ 彼らには赤い城をやろう 鉄の玉座もだ 二人共自分が鉄の玉座の 後継者だと考えた

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