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  1. 交貨期與交貨地點,方式:交貨期為40天,深圳裝船,貨柜出貨,送指定地點。 Deliveryperiod : 40days , place of delivery : load at shenzhen , terms of delivery : send to the place appointed in containers

  2. 例句與用法. Mild oxygen desaturation in the cardiac cath lab. 發生輕度血氧未飽和的鎮靜及止痛. Severe oxygen desaturation in the cardiac cath lab. 發生吸入性并發癥的鎮靜及止痛. Mild oxygen desaturation in the endoscopy suite. 發生吸入性并發癥的鎮靜及止痛. Hypopnea , a reduction in airflow with ...

  3. 用suffer造句和"suffer"的例句: 1. She suffered a disturbing sense of duty .她體驗一種煩人的責任感。 2. You seem to have suffered a lot in jail .你在監獄里似乎受了很多苦。 點擊查看更多suffer的造句...

  4. That was a fine meal if ever there was one ! 那確實是一頓豐盛的飯。. I sat opposite to him during the meal . 吃飯的時候我坐在他的對面。. I felt quite satisfied after my big meal . 我這頓飯吃得很多,覺得很。. He washed himself, and ate a hearty meal . 他洗了一把臉,然后飽餐一頓。. She went in ...

  5. n. 餐,飯,一餐,一頓 (飯),一客 (飯);進餐 (時間);〔英國〕一次擠奶量。 a square [light] meal 盛 [便]餐。 at meals 在吃飯時。 between meals 在兩餐之間。 during the meal 在吃飯時候。 have [take] a meal 進餐,吃飯。 make a [hearty] meal of 飽餐一頓…。 meals on wheels 上門福利餐〔每日給老人或病殘人送飯上門的服務〕。 vi. 進餐,吃飯。 n. (小麥以外的谷、豆等沒有篩過的)粗粉; (種子、油餅等的)碎粉;〔美國〕玉米碴子;〔Scot., Ir.〕燕麥片。 vt. 碾碎。 "meal coupon; meal ticket" 中文翻譯 : 餐券.

  6. take over中文意思::占據…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋take over的中文翻譯,take over的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。take up, as of debts or payments; "absorb the costs for something" 同義詞:absorb, take over ownership of; of corporations and companies

  7. per diem中文意思::每日…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋per diem的中文翻譯,per diem的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。per diem in Hindi per diem 意味 per diem meaning per diem en francais per diem artinya per diem 뜻 per diem перевод per diem แปล

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