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  1. Between the first quarters of 1979 and 1984 the real exchange rate appreciated by 17 percent . 在1979年和1984年第一季度期間,實際匯率升值17。 Rmb appreciation and national economic security 人民幣匯率升值與國家經濟安全 The influence of rmb appreciation

  2. Payment arrangements and payment dates. 付款安排及 付款日期. A bill is payable on sight if the date of payment is not specified.

  3. 5 (雙語)花42買彩票,居然中了17億元大獎! 6 (雙語)霍金警告:600年后地球將變成“火球” 7 (雙語)“奔三”的90后們:三十歲之前應該改掉的20個壞習慣! 8 (雙語版)超甜!哈里王子冒雨演講王妃在旁為其撐傘!

  4. 元大證券英文翻譯: yuanta securities…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋元大證券英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯元大證券,元大證券的英語例句用法和解釋。

  5. 例句與用法. I will be willing to absorb 60% of the difference . 我愿意承擔 差額 的百分之六十。. The balance will be paid on taking delivery of the machine . 收到機器就付還 差額 。. The trade gap between imports and exports remained high . 進出口貿易 差額 依然很。. The current and capital accounts ...

  6. 例句與用法. Oh , and if we go ahead , they ' d like a 50 deposit. 如果我們提前他們要50英鎊 訂金 。. We ' d like you to place a deposit of 30 % with us. 敝公司要貴公司向敝公司付30 %的 訂金. 3 . downpayments on designated new shkp properties. 3 .新地旗下指定新建住宅物業之部份 訂金. Here is a ...

  7. 例句與用法. In lieu of combining the models, each can be used separately in the area where it is most appropriate . 除了模型的組合以外,每個模型也可分別地用于最合適的范圍內。. Statement in lieu of affidavit form ired 63a. 遺產簡易呈報表ired表格第63a號. Or if you prefer donations in lieu of flowers.

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