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  1. 英文翻譯: Ⅰ形容詞1. (足) have eaten one's fi…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯的英語例句用法和解釋。

  2. feed down the grassy land 把 (牛)放進草地草。 feed the fire with fuel 給火加燃料。 be well fed 吃得好 [差]。 better fed than taught 養而不教。 Well fed, well bred. 吃得飽,懂禮貌 [衣食足而后禮義興]。 be fed up with 〔美俚〕…吃得過;厭倦 (I'm fed up with your grumbling.

  3. 例句與用法 That was a fine meal if ever there was one ! 那確實是一頓豐盛的飯。 I sat opposite to him during the meal . 吃飯的時候我坐在他的對面。 I felt quite satisfied after my big meal . 我這頓飯吃得很多,覺得很。 He washed himself, and ate a hearty meal . 他洗了一把臉,然后飽餐一頓。 She went in to fix the sparse evening meal . 她 ...

  4. 是什麽意思 ,的解釋, 饱是什么意思 , 饱 meaning in Chinese ,发音,例句,用法,同義詞,反義詞由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  5. 例句與用法 How much will you give me for my old car ? 你肯出多少錢買我那輛舊車? She saw how much she had pained edward . 她看到自己使愛德華多么難堪。 How much did you realize on those paintings ? 那些畫你賣了多少錢? How much do you know about my subject ? 你對我的研究課題懂得多少? How much did they tax you for that hat ? 那頂帽子 ...

  6. 例句與用法 The resultant value is an integral moisture for the time of testing . 所得的值是測試時間內 累積 水分量。 All data are completely integrated for emission summary purposes . 所有的數據被全部匯集以達到 累積 排放量的目的。 All data are completely integrated for emission summary purposes . 所有的數據被全部匯集,以達到 累積 排放 ...

  7. upon receipt of的中文翻譯 ,upon receipt of是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯upon receipt of,upon receipt of的中文意思, upon receipt of的中文 , upon receipt of in Chinese , upon receipt of怎麼讀 ,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

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