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  1. Lost Ruins of Arnak 阿納克遺跡的詳細策略指南(翻譯) | Lost Ruins of Arnak

  2. The definitive source for board game and card game content. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community of experts.

  3. Classification. In CATAN (formerly The Settlers of Catan ), players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn dice are rolled to determine what resources the island produces. Players build by spending resources (sheep, wheat, wood, brick and ore) that are depicted by these ...

  4. Bohnanza is the first in the Bohnanza family of games and has been published in several different editions, including a 2023 version with flowers. In the game, you plant, then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards, and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type ...

  5. Onitama is a two-player, perfect information abstract game with a random starting set-up. On a 5x5 board, both players start with five pawns on their side, with the main pawn in the middle. Each player has two open cards that each display a possible move for any of her pieces. There is a fifth card that cannot be used by either player.

  6. Age of Innovation. (2023) Terraform the world to expand your faction and create innovations on the way. 3.5K Rating s & 560 Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 1–5 Players. Community: 1–5 — Best: 4. 40–200 Min. Playing Time. Age: 14+.

  7. Trickerion is a competitive Euro-style strategy game set in a fictional world inspired by the late 19th century urban life and culture, spiced with a pinch of supernatural. Players take on the roles of rival stage illusionists, each with their own strengths and characteristics. They are striving for fortune and fame in a competition hosted by a ...