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  1. 1989: Dawn of Freedom is an exciting, fast paced game simulating the end of the Cold War in 1989. During this amazing year, a series of democratic revolutions ended the 40 year Soviet empire in Eastern Europe. 1989 simulates the political, social and economic aspects of these revolutions using a card-driven system similar to Twilight Struggle.

    • (2.3K)
  2. 2020年3月17日 · This version has iron clays inside and tray insert.

    • 11.81 x 11.81 x 2.95 inches
    • Board Game RookieDexker GamesRoxley
    • Chinese
    • 2020
  3. 2016年11月1日 · 简单来说,这是一款非常乌玫瑰式的游戏,又有相当有趣的突破。 虽然系统复杂,行动繁琐,但却和背景非常贴切,不像RK的游戏给人生硬的套背景感觉。 其次,乌玫瑰算是每出一部种地作品,就能提取之前的优点,加入新的元素进去。 而这部不仅非常农场主,而且还有独特的拼图机制,掷骰机制与升级后的工人放置机制。 最后,在洞农被诟病重开性不高后,乌玫瑰总算又加入了卡牌元素。 虽然按乌玫瑰的尿性…卡牌平衡性做的不会太好…但大量的卡牌也让游戏的重开度大大提升,且…也能想象出未来出扩也方便。 总而言之,如果你是乌玫瑰粉,如果想试试重口德式,或者想体验一把模拟维京人(虽然说实话…虽然游戏和背景很贴切,还有掷骰,但依旧是精算德式游戏),那一定要试试这款游戏。 游戏封面.

  4. Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek. Expansion for: Lost Ruins of Arnak. 8.7. Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition (2023) Two new leaders, solo/two-player campaign, and more! 1.4K Rating s & 340 Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 1–4 Players. Community: 1–4 — Best: 1–3. 30–120 Min. Playing Time. Age: 12+.

  5. In Small World, players vie for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate them all. Designed by Philippe Keyaerts as a fantasy follow-up to his award-winning Vinci, Small World is inhabited by a zany cast of characters such as dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, and even humans, who use their troops to occupy ...

  6. Libertalia was originally released in 2012. Ten years later, Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest celebrates the foundations of the original design with a revised and expanded edition that includes all-new art, 40 characters per player, a reputation system to resolve ties, deluxe loot tokens, a robust solo mode, and much more.

  7. Liberté covers the French Revolution from 1789 and the meeting of the Estates General to the Directory and Bonaparte’s coup d’état in 1799. The game is played in four turns. In each turn there will be a variable number of rounds, followed by an election to see which faction becomes the government. There are three factions, the Radicals ...

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