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    【Richart】台幣外幣最給利 無痛存錢很可以,1、3、6 個月彈性定存,可自動扣款每月固定存. 最高享新台幣3.5%優利活儲,線上申辦只要10分鐘,馬上加入Richart!

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    樂天網銀,新戶高利優存6%,加碼送300元現金禮,大額資金7天期優惠存款1.6%,周周存彈性又高利! 無痛存錢就是現在,新開戶送300元現金,再加碼14天6%高利優存,存10萬14天領230元,立即開戶!

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    您的大小資金需求,中信全力支持!立即預約,最快30分鐘內專人回電 (總費用年百分率4.04%). 免保人、免出門,最高可貸500萬,營業時間內最快1小時撥款 (總費用年百分率4.04%)


  1. 2014年1月24日 · 是要趁此長假,把平常沒有機會玩的大型桌遊玩個痛快,. 還是要以推坑親人為主,準備一下小遊戲來玩一下呢?. 如果你的預定計畫是後者的話,. 今天要介紹的舞星,可能足以滿足你的需求喔!. 圖文介紹:. ...

  2. Now or Never is a competitive strategy game that allows you to: Choose one of four asymmetrical characters to play. Rebuild the village so that returning villagers have a place to live. You must carefully choose what and where to build to maintain an advantage, earning the biggest rewards for long-term planning.

    • (1.1K)
  3. Cloudspire is 1-4 player strategy game heavily influenced by both tower defense and MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games. Solo and Cooperative play are driven by a scenario book that chronicles the story of the game from the perspective of each individual faction.

  4. Small World (2009) Control one fantasy race after another to expand quickly throughout the land. 71K Rating s & 11K Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 2–5 Players. Community: 2–5 — Best: 4. 40–80 Min. Playing Time. Age: 8+. Community: 8+.

  5. Oathsworn is a Twisting Tales Game for 1-4 players where play is focused on narrative choices and rich miniature combat encounters. The game is set in the Deepwood where a Free company (the Oathsworn) fights for humanity's survival against unnatural horrors and the Deepwood itself.

  1. 定存利率比較 相關

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