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  1. 2016年11月1日 · 本游戏中,喂饭规则进一步提高复杂程度,维京人们不仅要饱,还要… 在玩家版图右上方的未出场维京人格子中(banquet table 盛宴桌),玩家需要用红色/橙色物资和银币填充那里,保证这一行每个空出的格子都被填满。

  2. (部落格: 從艾森回來,很多事情還沒整理完、還有很多國外業務要跟進和回覆、連一款 ...

  3. EotS is a strategic level look at the entire War in the Pacific from the attack on Pearl Harbor until the surrender of Japan. EotS is the first card driven game (CDG) to move the system closer to a classic hexagon wargame, while retaining all of the tension and uncertainty people have come to expect from a CDG.

  4. Choose your dice cleverly in Ganz schön clever (German for "That's Pretty Clever") to enter them into the matching colored areas on your score sheet, putting together tricky chain-scoring opportunities, and racking up the points!

  5. Throughout Stars of Akarios, you will fight in epic space battles, upgrade your ship, and explore the fringes of space. Stars of Akarios is built upon 4 core pillars of game play: Space Combat, World Exploration, Space Exploration, and Player Progression.

  6. Buffet Boss delivers up a delicious mix of light strategy and dexterity in this stacking game for the whole family. In Buffet Boss, pick your food from the buffet and gain points by stacking food onto your plate.

  7. Slay the Spire: The Board Game is a co-operative deck-building adventure. Craft a unique deck, encounter bizarre creatures, discover relics of immense power, and finally become strong enough to slay the Spire!

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