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  1. Age of Inventors will travel back to the second half of the 19th Century where a series of inventions is about to change where and how people live, work, travel, and communicate. Your role is to lead humanity’s charge into a bright new future. Every player selects one of the four types of laboratories. You may play as a Government Lab, a ...

    • (110)
  2. Through the Ages is a civilization building game. Each player attempts to build the best civilization through careful resource management, discovering new technologies, electing the right leaders, building wonders and maintaining a strong military. Weakness in any area can be exploited by your opponents. The game takes place throughout the ages ...

    • (31.4K)
  3. That Time You Killed Me is an abstract narrative game of time and murder that introduces new scenarios with unique rules and components as you play. As with any game about mucking about across time, you must play through this content in a strict, unalterable order. To set up, place three game boards in a row to represent past, present, and future.

  4. The party game Apples to Apples consists of two decks of cards: Things and Descriptions. Each round, the active player draws a Description card (which features an adjective like "Hairy" or "Smarmy") from the deck, then the other players each secretly choose the Thing card in hand that best matches that description and plays it face-down on the ...