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  1. 2014年1月24日 · 桌遊心得. 24 Jan 2014. 林 大發. ( linrich) Hi~大家,我是大發, 最近學校已經放寒假了,緊接著年節也要來了, 那麼過年期間想要玩的桌遊想了嗎? 是要趁此長假,把平常沒有機會玩的大型桌遊玩個痛快, 還是要以推坑親人為主,準備一下小遊戲來玩一下呢? 如果你的預定計畫是後者的話, 今天要介紹的舞星,可能足以滿足你的需求喔! 圖文介紹: 舞星的背景是講述一藝者(藝妓)彼此競爭的故事, 原因無他,因為最頂尖的藝者–舞星,宣佈自己要退休, 但她不想自己的名號和技藝就這樣被埋沒, 所以她宣佈要將自己的技藝和名號傳給一位才華四溢的藝者,

  2. 2016年11月1日 · zafara di. @zafara. Nov 1, 2016. 《奥丁的盛宴》,A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。. 设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。. 游戏中,玩家 ...

  3. Lost Ruins of Arnak 阿納克遺跡的詳細策略指南(翻譯) | Lost Ruins of Arnak

  4. Although these ratings are entirely subjective, here are the suggested guidelines: 10 - Outstanding. Always want to play and expect this will never change. 9 - Excellent game. Always want to play it. 8 - Very good game. I like to play. Probably I'll suggest it and will never turn down a game. 7 - Good game, usually willing to play.

  5. BoardGameGeek. BoardGameGeek is a website created in January 2000 by Scott Alden and Derk Solko as a resource for the boardgaming community. Thousands of users have contributed to the site in the form of articles, pictures and player aids for thousands of games, as well as discussion forums on variants, expansions, and industry news.

  6. 2017年12月27日 · 15 - 1.8 Arborec. 16 - 1.5 Winnu. 17 - 0.0 Embers of Muat. The races are given a score from 0 to 5 where 5 means they have won each game they were in and a 0 means they have lost each game they were in. Let me know if you wanna help compile data in some way or if you have some questions =) I like statistics haha. Tip.

  7. 2023年3月2日 · 7/10 斑点狗有点点,骰子也有点点,为什么不把两者结合起来做一个游戏呢?这大概就是设计师灵感的来源。 游戏的美术我还挺喜欢的,这些斑点狗的样子胖胖的,真的还挺不错的,至少吸引了我好几秒钟,不过游戏的美术基本也仅限于此了。大量的、不同的狗狗卡牌,其他的行动牌和狗屋牌,都没 ...