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  1. 小小史诗地城 (Traditional Chinese edition) [Board Game Version Link] [What Links Here]What

  2. Official FAQs and Errata for the game are finally here! They cover the Norwegian Outpost expansion and the Extra Modules Sheet, too. You may find the document for the english rulebook here -> And for the italian rulebook here ->

  3. 2018年6月5日 · If you don't obtain that phase that round, you must complete that phase, before you roll for the next phase, of your 10, 20 or 30 phase game. It is possible, to roll the same phase, multiple times. Whoever reaches the 10th, 20th or 30th phase, wins the game, depending on which game you pick.

  4. 2018年11月28日 · 除此之外,使用禁咒还可以进行元素转化,抽取卡牌,将元素转化为水晶值加1,这一点很大程度上抵消了骰子带来的不确定因素,使四季物语整体比较平衡;剩余的一个骰子呢,则是根据骰子面上的点数推进时间进度的。

  5. This post contains frequently asked questions and official answers for Flamecraft. This is a living post and will update with new questions and answers over time. General.

  6. 2023年7月4日 · 配合中文版近來推出,我重新校正了之前版本的翻譯名詞,原文提及的卡片,我都有儘量將說明附在旁邊,希望有幫助到各位玩家。. 原文出處:. 原作者:Clark/中文翻譯:Skypray Huang. 第1版:2022/4/5,最新版:2023/7/4 ...

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