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  1. 2023年9月25日 · 1 ) After ~ 15 games our need to play the game was satisfied for the months afterwards. 2) New games where waiting to be played. 3) After a few months you forget all the extra little rules for the end state of the game and pick up the original game much easier if you want to experience the game play. [q="keithparrock"]But there are other options.

  2. In The Farming Game, you develop your part-time farm by planting different crops (wheat, hay, cherries) and leasing additional cattle grazing rights, in the hopes that any given resource will pay out big so that you can afford to quit your day job and become a full-time farmer.

    • (976)
  3. Thank you, James Spaid (EclipseGryph)! James is a HEXplore It designer & writer of Klik's Mandess and Fall of the Ancients. [url= ...

  4. 2017年8月24日 · 遊戲有很重的Deck Build 元素,除了能在棄牌區找卡外,玩家也有機會學習高階卡牌,提高生命上限,打出更多的變化,提高自己的生存力。遊戲中途有不少打獵的地點能得到了食物,使用食物可回復卡牌。

  5. Marco Polo II is a standalone game based on The Voyages of Marco Polo, and you don't need the original game to play this one. This new journey will present unique challenges, with new and different actions, new scoring rules, and a new good: rare and valuable Chinese jade.

  6. In Let's Go! To Japan, you are a traveler planning, then experiencing your own dream vacation to Japan. The game consists of thirteen rounds in which players draw activity cards illustrated by Japan-based artists and strategically place them in different days in their week-long itinerary.

  7. 2023年1月9日 · 1-从手中选择一个位置片,放置在中央对应位置。 几种特殊情况解释一下: 1.1-开公司:两个位置片十字相连,还有未开启的公司,则能开新公司,立即获得一张该公司股份. 1.2-扩大公司:与已开启公司的位置片十字相连。 公司大小影响股份价值和并购地位. 1.3-公司并购:当放置的位置片,连接2个或者以上的公司时,并购立即发生(该位置片不会计算) 一般来说较大公司吃掉较小公司,大小相同时,由当前玩家决定并购地位。 然后按照下列结算: 1.3.1-查看被并购公司的第一大和第二大股东. 1.3.2-根据被并购公司的大小,分发第一大和第二大股东的红利。 第一并列无第二,第二相同则平分. 1.3.3-所有玩家对于被并购公司的股份进行处置: