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  1. 2010年10月30日 · Therefore, in order to help you all spruce up the sincerity of your own pumpkin patches in anticipation of the Great One, I present this collection of Pumpkin carols along with some newer ones of my own creation....

  2. 2020年9月12日 · I’m excited to give this one a shot after how well Paris went. I’m always looking to run more events – Tournaments, learn to plays, and opportunities to introduce people to games they haven’t played before. Have something you want to check out? Please reach ...

  3. For those of you who don't know this it is super simple... 4 dice each, a board of steps going down and multipliers from 0 to 4 on the board. On your turn, place the dice on the upper launch pad and flick/shove/generally eject your dice across the board... At the end of the game you score the points on the dice multiplied by the multiplier it's on.

  4. Another Thing I'm Gonna Do. Another thing I'm going to do is hang on to A House Divided: War Between the States 1861-65. It'll be a good game to have around whenever I get fed up with all the tactical minutia and want to fight a whole war instead of just a skirmish. In my experience over the years, that always happens.

  5. In the first and second games all of the golem cards have crystals in their artwork that match the crystals needed to purchase them. Not so this time around, here the same golem art is used without changing the crystal colours. Such a shame they dropped this nice touch on the final game. It seems the assumed promises of the first Golem game ...

  6. What I have yet to do but i'm always in awe of is making my own M44 stuff. This could be designing scenarios or even more impressively, 3D printing your own units and designing bespoke scenery. Some people have clearly gone a bit 'Colonel Kurtz' and are never coming out!

  7. 2022年4月20日 · It was always about the road taken and how I grow as a Games Guru, little did I know some of the strangest times in modern life would be encompassed, yeah, I'm talking about 'Lockdown through a Global Pandemic'. So looking back on the Guru I was then to ...