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  1. 21 Jan 2014. Chien-Tsun Chen. ( smoox) 原文出處 (已徵得原文作者 Ignacy Trzewiczek 同意進行翻譯分享) 關於遊戲測試-其三. 故事發生在1997年冬天的 Gliwice 。 很久以前的事情了。 我當時正在念大學,當然也有我自己玩遊戲的團。 每個禮拜三和五的晚上我們會聚在一起玩些角色扮演遊戲 (Role-playing games, RPG)或微縮戰棋 (Miniatures games)。

  2. 2016年12月13日 · 這次的Arkham Horror 系列新作,Arkham Horror LCG 利用大量卡片帶領玩家進入克蘇魯的世界,扮演著調查員,調查一件又一件神秘的事件。 有別於Arkham Horror (AH), Eldritch Horror (EH) 一類的與邪神直接對抗遊戲,這次的AH LCG 更深入的角色扮演,像Mansion Of Madness (MOM) 一般要作仔細的調查。 在遊戲過程中,玩家先選擇遊戲的劇本,然後開始遊戲。 玩家會身處一個場境,透過行動作出檢定,找尋提示 (Clue)。 得到足夠的提示後,就會開啟下一步的故事 (Act),真到單元完結。 當單完完結後,會根據玩家的遊戲過程/解迷的進展作出文字記錄,除了影響角色升級外,也會影響接下來故事的發展,遊戲的設定。

  3. Classic game of sending nukes against your enemies. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  4. Classification. The otherworldly artefacts known as Talismans have once more descended onto the mortal plane, signaling the dawn of a new era— and the need for a new ruler! In Talisman: The Magical Quest Game – 5th Edition, set forth on an epic adventure, racing to be the first to obtain a Talisman, reach the Crown of Command in the center ...

  5. Discover new twists and strategic opportunities derived from Splendor, the original best-selling game. Acquire cards with impressive powers, take advantage of special Privileges, and fight over scarce access to Pearls. Splendor Duel is a two-player only standalone game based on Splendor that retains some of the main gameplay mechanisms of that ...

  6. Classification. 20 Strong is a new deck-based game system from Chip Theory Games, capable of being played in about 30 minutes or less. We say “game system” because the idea behind 20 Strong is a small nucleus of simple, adaptable rules that can then be applied to a variety of unique decks, each with their own set of mechanics.

  7. Classification. In Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness, you play as one of six epic D&D monsters, each with their own way to charm, crush, disintegrate, and devour their foes. Store all your Dungeon Mayhem cards in this monster-sized box, then select your favorite character and pit it against any other deck in the game line.