Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. In Oh Really?, a game created by visual artist MC Marquis, players try to correctly guess the order of preference of other players among five completely different topics.The more accurate your guesses are, the more points you score. Oh Really? brings laughter, discussions and small discomforts, all of which can be a great icebreaker for your dinners, parties or even on a date!

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  2. カードを1枚出すか、出さずにパスをして山札から1枚ドローしたら相手にターンを回します。 に相手の「ベース」の上にカードを置いた方の勝ちとなります。 Game Features 1. A system like card game and board game intermediate 2.

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  3. From website: When a Chilean, an American, two Catalans, and two Portuguese guys get together, three things could happen: 1. They’re in a joke. 2. They work in Hollywood. 3. They are board game editors. Infinite coincidences have created Devir Games, an ...

  4. The trivia game ...I Should Have Known That! contains more than four hundred questions about things that you should know. Sound like a piece of cake? You'll be surprised how baffling even the easiest questions can be when you don't have Google at your fingertips! Instead of receiving positive points for correct answers, you are burdened with negative points for wrong answers — and the ...

  5. Bohnanza is the first in the Bohnanza family of games and has been published in several different editions, including a 2023 version with flowers. In the game, you plant, then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards, and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type ...

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  6. Shit Happens is as funny and surprising and crazy as REAL LIFE. Each card depicts a horrible event that has happened- or COULD happen- to you. Like: BEING ATTACKED BY A SWARM OF BEES or SEEING YOUR FATHER NAKED. A panel of mental health experts has rated them all, from 1 to 100. Players have to put ten cards in their correct order.

  7. Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC.