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    預約賞屋趁現在!精選眾多舒適理想屋、保值理想好宅,投資置產省心省力,大幅減省看屋時間! 迅速媒合理想好房,精打細算住好宅!透天厝、公寓、輕豪宅線上輕鬆看,即刻找大家,幸福成家!

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  1. The “commons,” that which is communal, is goods that belong to a community, a group of real people, a demos, that manages it jointly and directly. Public property is something else: it is State property. But, isn’t public property, by definition, the common property of all citizens? Wouldn’t municipal public goods be, by definition, “communal?”

  2. Description. "Our research has gone through a wide range of initiatives and organizational forms in the production of “common” built space, referred to as housing commons all over the globe.

  3. Amsterdam is a city for everyone. But our housing market is overheating. The city is in danger of becoming unaffordable. We do not want Amsterdam to become a city for the rich. We want to prevent houses from becoming even more expensive. We will protect Amsterdam from slum landlords, bad investors and commercial holiday rentals. (…)

  4. ""Radical Housing Journal is an open access, free online publication and collective that seeks to push the boundaries of how we think about housing, understanding it as a practice in the making, a space of contestation, and as a politics in and of itself, published since 2016. Website." More information.

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    From the Wikipedia: "It is non-excludable (no one can exclude anyone else from using it) and non-rival (one person's use of it does not prevent others from simultaneously using it). Open-access property is not managed by anyone, and access to it is not controlled. There is no constraint on anyone using open-access property (excluding people is eith...

    1. The difference between open access and defined property rights (private or common property), by contrast, is the difference between an unregulated and a regulated condition. The difference is fundamental. - Achim Lerch 2. "For Stevenson, a “private property, common property, open access trichotomy” ultimatelyexists. He compares these three forms...

    Stevenson compares these three forms in terms of group limitation and extraction limitation. 3 Property Institutions: Open Access: - Limited: members only, unlimited extraction- Unlimited: open to anyone, unlimited extraction Common Property: members only, extraction limited by rules Private Property: one, extraction limited by individual decision

  5. "The challenge now for those who recognize the importance of Commons for Peace (C4P) is to define security as non-closure: the rolling back of new or existing property enclosures which deny the rights of people to their means of livelihood and welfare.

  6. Description. 1. Bolivia. "Walter Mignolo: "So what, then, is the ayllu? It is a kind of extended familial community, with a common (real or imaginary) ascendancy that collectively works a common territory. It is something akin to the Greek oikos, which provides the etymological root for ‘economy’.

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