Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Recommendation engines, which grew out of the technology used to serve up personalized ads on Web sites, now typically involve some level of "collaborative filtering" to tailor data automatically to individuals or groups of users. Some engines use information provided directly by the shopper, while others rely more on assumptions, like offering ...

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    the key to facilitating the attention marketplace is in decoupling of attention capturing, attention storage and attention recording services "AttentionTrust was recently established to promote the principle that we as individuals should have the ability to control the data that we create. Specifically, AttentionTrust believes that we all have the ...

    set of principles that define the rules of the game, by outlining the basic consumer rights in the Attention Economy: 1. Property: You own your attention and can store it wherever you wish. You have CONTROL. 1. Mobility: You can securely move your attention wherever you want, whenever you want to. You have the ability to TRANSFER your attention. 1....

    The Attention Recorder

    "AttentionTrust, has developed a free, open source piece of software that allows you to record information about the websites you visit and pay attention to. This "Attention Recorder" makes it possible for you to store, analyze and share this data with anyone you choose."( "a Firefox add-on called AttentionRecorder which captures clickstream and redirects to a vault. The user also has a choice of where to store the data. A standard protocol between the a...

  2. Description. James Allen: "Jakob Nielsen extrapolated that network connection speeds for high-end home users would increase 50% per year, or double every 21 months. As a corollary, he noted that, since this growth rate is slower than that predicted by Moore’s Law of processor power, user experience would remain bandwidth-bound.

  3. = a form of Crowdsourcing, similar to Microtasks, however, workers can see more, if not all, of the project and can get involved with any portions they are knowledgeable in. This form is most common with solving complex problems such as the X-Prize or seeking out a better recommendation algorithm for Netflix.

  4. 2009年7月28日 · Gaurav Mishra: "Instead of getting distracted by the tools and the terminologies, I focus on the four underlying themes in social media, the 4Cs of social media: Content, Collaboration, Community and Collective Intelligence. Taken together, these four themes constitute the value system of social media. So, the 4Cs form a hierarchy of what is ...

  5. Description. Chris Dew : "The Internet of Things is the foundational intelligent infrastructure of the new economy — integrating a Communications Internet, Energy Internet and Logistics Internet into a single IoT operating system. Hundreds of billions of consumer products will eventually be connected to the internet and to one another ...

  6. "While the contemporary information economy predates the public, commercial Internet, the Web has been a (if not the) primary factor in accelerating the trend toward Liquid Modernity. Bauman has written about the Web before, especially about how Internet dating furthers liquid relationships and love (2007); however, further reflection is in order because developments on and around the Web ...

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