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  1. On November 21, 2020, She's joined hands with Mercedes-Benz to launch the "Journey to Meet Time", during which the beauty of women's fashion was vividly presented. The event was grandly held at the MERCEDESME fashion restaurant of Shenzhen MixC World ...

  2. "Good at learning, dare to compete, brave in innovation, and succeed by devotion" - the concise and comprehensive business spirit of Shenzhen was formally unveiled at the Shenzhen Business Development Conference on April 23, 2020. This is also the business ...

  3. 春夏配饰大秀 | 盛放,在艺术「饰」界里. 2024/4/9 16:20:19. 您浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。. 上一篇: She's荣获“深圳知名品牌”,再创美好 下一篇: 第五届深圳国际品牌周 | 茜子荣获“深圳知名品牌”殊荣!. 春夏配饰大秀 | 盛放,在艺术「饰」界里.

  4. Styling / choir Studio. Dress / SHINEMODA. 从小种下浪漫种子,一群稚嫩可爱童模压轴登场,仙气发饰交织纯净笑容,洒下一路天真烂漫...... 在秦岚眼中,柔软是女性不可缺少特质。 今年夏天,她因为在《延禧攻略》中出演正直、端庄、温柔富察皇后,成为了国民白月光,现实中秦岚,和富察皇后既相似又不同,同样优雅,温柔,不同是,她柔软,并不脆弱。 以柔克刚,如蝴蝶般绽放蜕变能量. 在富察之前,秦岚也演绎了不少经典角色,清纯却心机知画,骄傲却偏执绿萍……而《万水千山总是情》里庄梦蝶,在秦岚眼中正是柔软女性代表,在烽火漫天时代,她从一个纤弱女子,逐渐坚韧,用柔软双手守护家人,是不变初心,捍卫了她一生所爱。

  5. Overcoming Rigidity with Softness, Presenting the Energy of Transformation like a Butterfly Softness doesn't equate to weakness; it conceals captivating beauty and energy, capable of silently shaking the passage of time and breaking through life's numerous ...

  6. 3月16日 16:00 深圳华侨城欢乐海岸椰林海滩 She's 2019 A/W 「蝶变」主题大秀 为大家呈现了一场如梦如幻 神秘瑰丽视觉盛宴 现在跟随小茜镜头 重温这场发间绝美传奇吧 本次大秀灵感,描绘成一座失落天堂,凋零鲜花孕育出新奇花异草,生命此 ...

  7. 浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。 上一篇: 荣耀20青春版X茜子,解锁你浪漫之美 下一篇: She’s A/W 2019主题大秀,异域奇花蝶变之旅