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  1. 春夏配饰大秀 | 盛放,在艺术「饰」界里. 2024/4/9 16:20:19. 您浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。. 上一篇: She's荣获“深圳知名品牌”,再创美好 下一篇: 第五届深圳国际品牌周 | 茜子荣获“深圳知名品牌”殊荣!. 春夏配饰大秀 | 盛放,在艺术「饰」界里.

  2. "Good at learning, dare to compete, brave in innovation, and succeed by devotion" - the concise and comprehensive business spirit of Shenzhen was formally unveiled at the Shenzhen Business Development Conference on April 23, 2020. This is also the business ...

  3. 茜子是一家专注于高级发饰原创设计师品牌。品牌创立于2000年,始终坚持以花、鸟、蝶、叶等大自然设计元素,结合铜丝编织、刺绣、水晶串珠、立体彩绘等传统手工制作工艺,去不断发掘发饰与女性间独特美学价值。近20年成长,SHES已沉淀出了丝绣物语、艺术水晶、彩绘森林、凡尔赛 ...

  4. 在She’s匠人眼中,每一件作品都是有生命,用重手工繁复与精致,琢磨刻画这两千公尺以下奇异生灵:液体花浮游绽放,珍珠灵动跳跃、闪烁串珠流苏折射出珊瑚般斑斓,每一件饰品均被赋予了独特灵魂。

  5. 浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。 上一篇: 荣耀20青春版X茜子,解锁你浪漫之美 下一篇: She’s A/W 2019主题大秀,异域奇花蝶变之旅

  6. › casexqx-933赵馨玥

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  7. On November 21, 2020, She's joined hands with Mercedes-Benz to launch the "Journey to Meet Time", during which the beauty of women's fashion was vividly presented. The event was grandly held at the MERCEDESME fashion restaurant of Shenzhen MixC World ...