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  1. Epithelial reticular cells, or epithelioreticular cells (ERC), some called thymic epithelial cell (TEC), are a structure in both the cortex and medulla of the thymus. However, histologically, they are more easily identified in the medulla. These cells contain secretory granules which are thought to contain the thymic hormones.

  2. › page › ニクズク肝About: ニクズク肝

    ニクズク肝(ニクズクかん、英: Nutmeg liver)とは鬱血性肝障害のひとつ。 慢性鬱血によって、肝臓の小葉中心部が暗赤色、辺縁部が黄色化し暗赤色と黄色が入り混じった状態。 割面はニクズクの様な外観にみえるのでこの名前がある。 鬱血性心疾患心筋症、三尖弁逆流症、僧帽弁逆流症、肺性心(右室拡大)、または収縮性心膜炎などの合併症として現れる。

  3. The National Industrial Exhibitions (内国勧業博覧会, Naikoku Kangyō Hakurankai) were a series of five exhibitions in Meiji Japan, staged between 1877 and 1903, the first three in Tokyo, the fourth in Kyoto, the last in Osaka.

  4. Scapin the Schemer (French: Les Fourberies de Scapin) is a three-act comedy of intrigue by the French playwright Molière. The title character Scapin is similar to the archetypical Scapino character. The play was first staged on 24 May 1671 in the theatre of the Palais-Royal in Paris.

  5. › page › 片桐えりりかAbout: 片桐えりりか

    1991年1月1日 · About: 片桐えりりか. An Entity of Type : Animal , from Named Graph : , within Data Space : 片桐 えりりか(かたぎり えりりか、1991年5月3日 - )は日本のモデル、元AV女優。. AV女優として活動する以前からニコニコ生放送で活動する生主とも ...

  6. William Morrow and Company is an American publishing company founded by William Morrow in 1926. The company was acquired by Scott Foresman in 1967, sold to Hearst Corporation in 1981, and sold to News Corporation (now News Corp) in 1999. The company is now an imprint of HarperCollins. William Morrow has published many fiction and non-fiction authors, including Ray Bradbury, Michael Chabon ...

  7. › page › 牙関緊急About: 牙関緊急

    破傷風における牙関緊急は破傷風菌の産生する毒素であるテタノスパスミンが脊髄の運動性神経細胞に作用することを原因とする。 Property Value