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  1. 懷孕和生殖的解釋 (Pregnancy and Reproduction Explained) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Yeah, of course, I can babysit tonight, Mrs. Robinson. 是的,當然,我今晚可以做保姆,羅賓遜夫人。 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  2. 我有一個好朋友才剛剛宣布懷孕而伴隨懷孕而來的是各式各樣

  3. 保險套不是百分百避孕!. (Friends - "Condoms only work like 97% of the time") - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. I'm pregnant.

  4. 影片播放. We've all heard of menopause–the time when adult females will go through a bunch of hormonal changes that result in them no longer being able to become pregnant. 我們都聽說過更年期在這個時期,成年女性會經歷一系列荷爾蒙 變化導致她們不再能夠懷孕。 And we know that many people live for decades after they go through menopause. 我們知道,許多人在經歷更年期後還能活幾十年。

  5. The Science of 'Plan B' - Emergency Contraception - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. Contraception, with a variety of methods available many people are able to avoid. 避孕,隨著各種方法的出現,很多人都能避開. unintended pregnancies. But what happens when things don't go quite as planned? 意外懷孕。 但當事情不按計劃進行時,會發生什麼呢? Thanks to modern science a second chance is possible.

  6. 【看脫口秀學英文】喜劇演員教你如何用正確的方式跟反墮胎者吵架 (The Abortion Clinic Story | Andrew Schulz | FULL CLIP) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. We didn't talk about how they're taking away your scoop scoops, ladies. 我們沒有談論他們如何奪走你們墮胎的權利,女士們。 Ain't that fucked up? 這不是很糟糕嗎? They try to take away your scoop scoops. 他們試圖搶走你墮胎的權利。 It's unbelievable. 真是難以置信。

  7. Urban Dictionary 中 9 個你不可不知的詞彙。. Farte Blanche - permission to fart freely. 指經授權後,可以隨意地「放屁」:隨心所欲地放屁。. Carrie was given fart blanche around the house for the weekend. Carrie 週末可以在家隨心所欲地放屁。. Bropocalypse - a large gathering of bros on a mission to ...

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