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  1. 作為一個. future physician, there are 5 important decisions you'll need to make that will shape your experience, 未來的醫生,你需要做出5個重要的決定,這將塑造你的經驗。. future options, and even your happiness. Here's how to navigate them. 未來的選擇,甚至是你的幸福。. 下面是如何駕馭它們的 ...

  2. The true costs of going to college are, therefore, $10,000 tuition plus $20,000 in opportunity costs. 那麼上大學的真正成本就會是 1 萬美元的學費加上 2 萬美元的機會成本。. By studying for a degree, we trade off $30,000 a year. 選擇攻讀學位,我們每年以 3 萬美元作為交易。. Although that's only half ...

  3. B1 中級 中文 醫生 韓國 醫療 政府 手術 報道 過勞又低薪!韓國萬名醫生鐵了心要辭職、罷工 (South Korea threatens consequences, sets deadline for striking doctors to return to work) 9336 94 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 02 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字

  4. A2 初級 中文 手術 聲音 罰單 耳語 白人 兄弟 我說話輕聲細語真的不是在撩你啦!("Lost My Voice" - Trevor Noah - (It's My Culture))

  5. lobotomy KK[loˋbɑtəmɪ] n.名詞【醫】前腦葉白質切除術 fukishima? Fukushima=日本福島學這些英文用法:憂鬱症,躁鬱症,傾向,熱情,案例 ...

  6. 你要去購物而且你正要買的東西十分的貴。. 而且價錢超過. hundred -- it's "one thousand eight hundred and seven eighty-seven". It's the same rule. 一百元,我們會說:「一千八百零七 八十七」,這是同樣的規則. We say the first number, and the cents we just say as a number together. 我們先說 ...

  7. I don't know why. Ever since I was a child, I have absolutely loved going. 牙醫。. 我不知道為什麼。. 自從我還是個孩子的時候,我就絕對喜歡去。. to the dentist. Maybe because my dentist gave me stickers to play with or something to take. 去看牙醫。. 也許是因為我的牙醫給了我貼紙,讓我玩 ...

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