Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 2023年就已經預約破百萬古裝劇《祈今朝》,由許凱、虞書欣首次搭擋主演,因此話題熱度也很高,是一部結合愛情、傳奇、仙俠元素的古裝陸劇,改編自台灣國產單機遊戲《仙劍奇俠傳六》,劇情講述越今朝(許凱 飾)與越祈(虞書欣 飾)這對「義兄妹」組成 ...

  2. OLI DSHOP. 品牌. 介紹. 由立創意整合有限公司跨足室內設計、策展、商業經營等複合式 經驗累積後,首次跨足零售通路平台,將台灣文化創意產業與生活設計及時代風格混搭出都會時尚新 品牌,並結合美國、英國、日本、西班牙、北歐諸國等設計強國,建立文 ...

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  4. is the official website of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, the largest department store chain in Taiwan. You can find the latest news, promotions, events, and services of SKM, as well as browse and book your favorite restaurants online. SKM offers a wide range of products, from beauty, fashion, luxury, to lifestyle, catering to different needs and preferences of customers. Visit www.skm ...

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    Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jurassic Park with the themed exhibition at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store. Explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs and enjoy the hot products inspired by the classic movie. You can also check out other cultural and artistic events at the store, such as the children's art festival, the Japanese pottery exhibition, and the new art shop. Don't miss ...

  6. 梅西、C羅、內馬爾、魔笛最後一舞? 球星盤點、必收戰袍一次!.

  7. 品牌創始人Jake Burton Carpenter在1977年發明了全世界第一個滑雪板,因此開啟了滑雪時尚。BURTON同時也是美國冬季奧運隊主要裝備的指定贊助商,目前亞洲的部分,已經先行在日、韓、港設店,走向時尚潮牌,甚至日本潮流教父藤原浩欽、貝克漢和小賈斯汀也是BURTON的愛好者。Burton提供了完整的滑雪板 ...