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  1. A checksum is a number. It is a kind of redundancy check. There are different ways to calculate it. It serves as a check that no errors have been made when writing down the number. In its simplest form, the digits are simply added up. This can however not detect errors of swapping digits around.

  2. It is defined to be 1.380 649 × 10−23 J / K. [1] It relates the average kinetic energy of a particle in a gas with the temperature of the gas. It is the gas constant R divided by the Avogadro constant NA : The Boltzmann constant has SI units of J⋅K −1 (also written J/K), the same as entropy.

    • History
    • Calculation
    • Overweight Or Not
    • Uses
    • Variations

    The BMI was invented by Adolphe Queteletbetween 1830 and 1850. A scientist named Ancel Keys first used the term body mass index in 1972.He wrote that governments should measure the BMI of adults to find out whether they are too fat or too thin.

    To find somebody's BMI: 1. measure their weight (body mass) in kilograms or pounds 2. measure their height in meters or inches 3. divide their weight by the squareof their height 4. if using pounds and inches, multiplythe answer by 703 This is the formula: For example, a man whose weight is 78 kg (172 lb) and height is 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) has a BMI ...

    Health organisations, including the World Health Organisation(WHO), use the BMI to help decide whether people are too fat or too thin. The WHO uses these numbers for adults: Some people disagree with these numbers. Some experts think the Overweight range for people with Asian body types should be 23–27.49, not 25–29.99. Some experts think the lowes...

    BMI is useful for governments who want to know about the health of their people. For example, in the United States in 2007, 74% of adults had a BMI above 25 (Overweight or Obese) and 27% of adults had a BMI above 30 (Obese).Many of these people will become ill because they are too fat. This information helps the United States government decide what...

    The Ponderal Index is similar to the body mass index, but the height is cubed, not squared. The formula is: 1. PI = w e i g h t ( k g ) h e i g h t ( m ) 3 {\displaystyle {\mbox{PI}}={\frac {weight(kg)}{height(m)^{3}}}} Some experts suggest that the exponent should be between 2.3 and 2.7.The best formula might be: 1. BMI = w e i g h t ( k g ) h e i...

  3. To calculate the population standard deviation, first find the difference of each number in the list from the mean. Then square the result of each difference: Next, find the average of these values (sum divided by the number of numbers). Last, take the square root: The answer is the population standard deviation.

  4. 4 (number) The number four is a number and a numeral. It comes after the number three, and before the number five. In Roman numerals, it is IV .

  5. The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers in mathematics named after Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. Fibonacci wrote a book in 1202, called Liber Abaci ("Book of Calculation"), which introduced the number pattern to Western European mathematics, although mathematicians in India already knew about it. [1] [2]

  6. An angstrom or ångström (symbol Å) [1] is a unit of length that equals 0.1 nanometer ( nm ). It can be written in scientific notation as 1×10 −10 m (normalized notation) or 1 E-10 m (exponential notation) — both mean 1/10,000,000,000 meters.

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