Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Tokyo Women’ s Medical University originated from Tokyo Women’ s Medical School, which was commenced in 1900. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College ...

  2. 2020年11月27日 · 2020年11月26日(木)モバイルコンピューティング推進コンソーシアム(MCPC)授賞式に、村垣善浩教授と正宗賢教授が出席しました。 東京女子医科大学 先端生命医科学研究所 先端工学外科学分野 Faculty of Advanced Techno-Surgery TWMU 〒162-8666 東京都新宿区 ...

  3. At Tokyo Women's Medical University, each department is united in promoting state-of-the-art medical care, and is engaged in clinical practice, education, research, and the development of new medical technologies and treatments. Our Department of Anesthesiology was established in July 1965, with the late Professor Masao Fujita as the Chief ...

  4. About us. Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine is aiming to foster a physician scientist who have a wide range of knowledge in basic and clinical research of rheumatology and is able to plan, implement, and instruct a cutting-edge and high-quality research project.

  5. Neurosurgery is a medical specialty fields that focuses on diagnosis, surgical treatment, and basic research on diseases of the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and their accessory organs (blood vessels, bones, muscles, etc.). Since its establishment in 1969 (Showa 44), under the leadership of ...

  6. The Department of Surgical Pathology contributes to medical care by being in charge of final diagnosis of diseases through histopathological and cytological procedures. ① Histopathological diagnosis: Biopsy tissue diagnosis, tissue diagnosis of surgical specimens, and rapid diagnosis for specimens taken during surgery are performed. 1) Biopsy ...

  7. 2020年11月9日 · 2020年11月9日 公立大学法人公立はこだて未来大学 学校法人東京女子医科大学 株式会社NTTドコモ 5Gとクラウドサービスを活用した 国内初の手術データAI解析による実証実験を開始 公立大学法人公立はこだて未来大学(以下、はこだて未来大)、学校法人東京女子医科大学(以下、東京女子医大 ...