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  1. 同時台積電創辦人張忠謀和董事長劉德音感謝日本對他們在這裡業務的支持。 And we will work to implement green manufacturing , green semiconductor manufacturing , and we will execute effective water recycling and commit to conserving more groundwater than the amount used by our fabs .

  2. You only get a minute, better live while you're in it. 'Cause it's gone in a blink. And the older I get. The truer it is. It's the people you love, not the money and stuff. That makes you rich. And if they found a fountain of youth. I wouldn't drink a drop and that's the truth. Funny how it feels I'm just getting to my best years yet.

  3. 847 43. 老 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 13 日. 分享. 影片單字. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  4. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:自行車,羅斯,菲比,發誓,看到,錢德勒,做到,籃子,貼心,戰勝,聽到,腳踏車,公園,控制,面對,嘗試,故事,特別,泰坦尼克號,冷酷,說起

  5. 來看看李奧納多說說他拍片的經歷 (Leo's Bad Luck) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. I just want to talk about the beard for a minute because it's quite something. And how long did it take you to grow it, first of all. 我想花點時間聊聊那個鬍子,因為它很搶戲。 首先,想問你花多久時間留那鬍子? It was six months, and then I think I had it for an additional year after that. 六個月,在那之後我大概又留了一年。 - Mm-hmm.

  6. The sine waves take turns dropping down an. octave, producing a sonic barber pole, a noise. that appears to keep rising in pitch for ever and ever. without ever actually going anywhere. I was reminded of it this week by, a creation of Internet artist New Rafael, where the Shepard tone.

  7. 影片播放. Hey, David here. 大家好,我是David. This Western-style estate is the former residence 我身後這棟洋房. of the Taiwanese artist Mr. Liu Chi-hsiang. 正是臺灣畫家啟祥的故居. Born in 1910, 出生於1910年. Liu Chi-hsiang was one of the first Taiwanese artists to study abroad in Paris. 啟祥為首批前往巴黎留學的臺灣藝術家. Despite passing away in 1998, 儘管啟祥於1998年辭世.

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