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  1. 你有沒有遇過尷尬的分手故事?或是聽過朋友的尷尬分手事蹟?我們來看看大家跟 Jimmy 分享的超強分手八招吧!#世紀最尷尬的分手 1hashtag 0:08 在 Instagram, Twitter, Facebook 等社交軟體上,最流行的字眼。 hashtag 「標記」就是井字號「#」的本身。時下最夯的幾個小 V...

  2. 我跟我的高中女友分手用一張Excel圖表描繪我們向下墜落的情感你可以看到 在這裡我們依偎的次數有明顯的遞減在六月 我們完全沒有依偎. 句子選自此影片: 【吉米秀超強分手八招 (Jimmy Fallon: Tonight Show Hashtags: #AwkwardBreakup) 學習重點. 1. illustrate 描繪. illustrate. Illustration. 2. downward 向下的,下降的. downward. upward. 3. trend 走向. trendy. trendiness. 4. relationship 風流韻事,戀愛關係. relationship. related. 5. sharp 遞減. sharply.

  3. 我們要教你分手七步驟讓你能分得乾淨俐落。 Download this worksheet on your password - protected mobile device and keep it handy for reference on the big day . 先下載工作表到設有密碼的行動裝置,以備不時之需!

  4. 影片播放. I’ve been broken up with a couple of times. 我曾被甩了幾次. Lots times. 很多次. I’ve never been broken up with. 我從沒有被甩過. I’ve been broken up with. 我被甩過. No, yeah, I’ve been totally. (laugh)I have been totally broken up with. 沒有,對,我完全有被甩過 (笑)。 我完全有被甩過. I think most of times I’ve done the breaking up. 我想大部分的時間我都是提分手的那一方.

  5. 經典美劇《Friends 六人行分手後的戀人都在努力振作 (Friends: Rachel and Ross Try to Move On (Season 4 Clip) | TBS) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語.

  6. But there's only so many streets, so many lights. I swear it's like I can't even leave my house. I should've known all along. You gotta move or move on. When you break up in a small town. Your mailbox is seven minutes from mine. And I drive into town sometimes I see you sittin' there with him. And I wanna jump out.

  7. 酷玩樂團 - 末聖歌 (Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend (Official Video)) 29584 2352 Bruce Chen 發佈於 2021 年 09 月 11 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube 加入我們 常見問題 聯絡我們 熱門搜尋主題 企業英文培訓 服務總 ...

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