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    嘿嘿,我胡啦!明星三缺一隨開隨打不無聊,鬥智鬥勇,坐穩牌桌爾虞我詐,立即下載! ...


  1. The National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing (NA-MIC) is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, software engineers, and medical investigators who develop computational tools for the analysis and visualization of medical image data.

  2. In short, the ‘affect turn’ testifies the will to overcome, ontologically and epistemologically, the centrality of the human subject in relation to agency and to move beyond the nature/culture, body/emotions, social/material dichotomies (Clough and Halley, 2007).

  3. Pp. 109-128 in *AfterBurn: Reflections on Burning Man*. Eds. Mark Van Proyen and Lee Gilmore. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. 2. Chen, Katherine . 2003. "Coordinating members and their efforts: how the Burning Man organization forms an

  4. Definitions. The Commons is a general term for shared resources in which each stakeholder has an equal interest. Studies on the commons include the information commons with issues about public knowledge, the public domain, open science, and the free exchange of ideas -- all issues at the core of a direct democracy.

  5. What enoughness is. By Gabriela Edlinger, Bernhard Ungericht, and Daniel Deimling: "Enoughness resides in a good enough, which according to John Lachs covers a range from ‘the upper reaches of what will do’ to things being truly good or ‘even great, in fact so good that they do not need to be better’ (Lachs, 2009: 2).

  6. With the aim to increase the opportunities for dialogue between the Finnish scene and the international context, we gather this collection of articles that deal broadly with the relationships between peer-to-peer dynamics, and public services.”

  7. Baker's inspiration is the peer-to-peer model of computing, which is also mirrored in social networking technologies where a network with "equipotent" nodes of power -- think peer leaders -- is infinitely more powerful than a "client-server" (i.e., leader-follower) network.

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