Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Facebook isnt a social network, it is a scanner that digitises human beings. It is, for all intents and purposes, the camera that captures your soul. Facebook’s business is to simulate you and to own and control your simulation, thereby owning and controlling

  2. Retrieved from ""

  3. First, an artificial-intelligence facilitated conversation tool called is distributed through Facebook ads and stakeholder networks; Then a public meeting is broadcast where scholars and officials respond to issues that emerged in the conversation;

  4. It can help to understand the shock waves of support that brought us the Italian Five Star Movement, Podemos in Spain, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, and most recently Brexit and Trump – all of which have campaigned against the “establishment” and challenged traditional political institutions to breaking point.

  5. We use case studies of the Open Web, Facebook, and Google to demonstrate that infrastructure studies provides a valuable approach to the evolution of shared, widely accessible systems and services of the type often provided or regulated by governments in

  6. Richard Buchanan, a freelance ad creative, says that people are effectively working for free to create wealth for Facebook's shareholders. Buchanan wants someone – the Guardian, perhaps – to calculate the value of each Facebook user, based on how much

  7. Handing over management of one’s identity to a company means being dependent on their decisions and priorities. (Consider the 5,000 friend limit on Facebook; Twitter’s arbitrary suggested users list; and examples of users being ousted from various services for

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